Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Host Family

Last Monday I was told by housing that I would be moving out of my host family's apartment. My host mom is having some personal issues, so it is best that I am not living there. I felt bad, because I had no idea. But I am glad that she is receiving help now. On Thursday I met with Mia, the host family coordinator, so go over my options. I decided to live with another host family, since that was one of the reasons I came abroad. We went over all of the 30 reserve host families and I picked my 3 favorite. Mia contacted my first choice, the Klaris family, and asked if they would be willing to have a student move in. Of course, they loved me (haha kidding) and wanted me to move in right away. :) I was supposed to have dinner with them on Monday--that didn't happen because I was trapped in Sweden. But I moved in today. My new host dad, Neils, came and picked me up this afternoon. My room is adorable! My host family is awesome! I love their house. They have a dog! (When I was reviewing the reserve host families, I only looked at the ones that had dogs. Haha) His name is Basso and he is so adorable! I have a new friend now because I always pet him! Their house is nice and they live in the suburbs. It is further from Copenhagen, but totally worth it. They have a pretty big backyard and I can tell it is beautiful in the spring/summer. It is pretty now, with snow everywhere. There are bike trails everywhere which will be nice to run on. Its weird running here, you have to watch out for ice on the path. And I don't sweat because it is so cold. Stuff like that doesn't happen in Texas! Haha. 


  1. Hello Sarah,
    I'm a french student, and I'll do my last internship in Copenhagen from September to December. Could you please tell me how you find your different host families?
    Thanks a lot.
    Anais (anaisv87@hotmail.com)

  2. I'm studying abroad in Copenhagen in four weeks and have no where to live, and would love to know hoe you found your host family? please email a very desperate homeless girl to be at kf72@kent.ac.uk
