Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hello Dear Internet World!

I had a really good day today! I don't really know why--I didn't do much. I changed my classes (again) so I only had one class. Now I have a crazy schedule, but I'm really excited for all of my classes!

8:30- Migration & Identity (France)
4:25- International Marketing and Branding

8:30- International Law from a European Perspective
10:05- Criminology and Criminal Justice in Scandinavia
11:40- History of European Ballet

No Classes!

4:25- International Marketing and Branding

8:30- International Law from a European Perspective
10:05- Criminology and Criminal Justice in Scandinavia
11:40- History of European Ballet
1:15- Human Trafficking in Europe

Not too bad, except I have a super long break on Mondays and I have class from 8:30 til 4:10 on Fridays. But I like all of those classes, so it shouldn't be too bad!


  1. I'm glad that you had a good day and that you're starting to feel better!! Not too much going on at Trinity...O but I joined the orchestra! haha ya I sit in the back, but it's still fun to play again. Those ships you saw are awesome!! They remind me of the ones I learned about in Art History because the vikings use to use them as funerary vessels. It's all rainy and windy here today...the kind of day that makes you want to stay in bed...O well! There's a new episode of the the office on tonight! I will of course watch in honor of you :)

  2. umm all of those criminal and law classes sound awesome! I am super jealous!!
